Death by Sexy....Oh Yeah!

Eagles of Death Metal. They're not the Eagles, and they don't play death metal, but they like to rock, and it's sexy as all fuck. They like to root, frequently and imaginatively. Opening with I want you so Hard (Boy's Bad News), they basically re-release the opening track off their previous record, Peace, Love and Death Metal, but amp up the sexification to 11. All falsetto vocals, fast paced, Josh Homme trademark rhythms, and a blistering guitar solo. This is cock rock, circa 2006. Emphasis on the cock. And the rock. Featuring other titles like Don't Speak (I came here to BANG) and I like to Move in the Night, there is only ever one thing on the mind of these Eagles.
And it's awesome. Not since King's of Leon's Aha Shake Heartbreak has a rock record been this steeped in sex. Admittedly, it's lacking the drugs and rock 'n' roll of KoL's effort, but it retains the same Mid-American tight jeans swagger. And speaking of tight jeans, the knowing nod to the Rolling Stone's Sticky Fingers on the cover (or is it giving it the finger?) just adds to the forthrightness of the record.
These guys like to fuck. And they want to tell the world about it.
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